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Compassion and Reflection for self at Christmas

Sue Cosgrove • Dec 19, 2022

Celebrate your achievements for the year, be kind to yourself, and rest over the holiday break.

Happy Holidays Ahead to you, good folk!

It is the time of year when we see that December 31 is approaching. For every one of us, this evokes something. Whether it be frantic anxiety as we attempt to become available to everyone as we want to catch up with them to celebrate the holidays. Or it can be an emotive period where we remember the people we have lost in our lives who are no longer with us. There is also the stress of wrapping up the end of the year for work. There may be reports to write and submit before the office doors close on Christmas Eve! I must not forget to include the self-transformed as for them, this is a time of bliss – to breathe and relax and notice how the holidays change people and offer acceptance and love to all, for that is OK!

This time can offer more stress than you think. You can read many good blogs that will give you loads of ideas about reducing your stress and being prepared for what lies ahead, and I have offered some of my favourites below if you want to check them out.

There is also a great blog – to which I am biased, and a part of that I would encourage you to listen to as well. Please follow us as we talk about a different topic every week

Rest and Reflect! (Do this for you)

Check in with yourself leading into the holiday season. Find a moment to sit with yourself and ask yourself the following questions. I would encourage you to pull out the journal and write this down too! The human brain works differently when we put pen to paper and write. We increase our internal motivation for change when journalling.

  • How am I?
  • Did the year go well?
  • What did I do well? What am I proud of?
  • What do I want to keep doing for 2023?
  • What do I want to do less of in 2023?
  • What do I want to be in 2023?
  • Who will I allow to help me reach my goals for 2023?

Be kind to yourself while you do this Reflection. 

This year, I have found that many people I have been working with have been really hard on themselves. When working with them, I have had to ask a few people if they would speak to others in the same way they talk to themselves. 

They all emphatically state "NO" and look shocked and mortified! They don't speak about others harshly. 

So then, why is the self-talk we offer ourselves SO HARSH? 

Offer some Compassion to Self. Be kind to yourself. You have worked hard this year, and you need to nurture and look after yourself so you can keep looking after all the other people you look after in your world.

Remember everyone that Christmas and the New Year are a time for you to do you! 

It doesn't have to be something from a TV show or movie. Nor do we have to do what everyone else may or may not be doing on social media platforms. Be you -  Love, Live and Laugh and enjoy the holidays!

Happy Holidays to all, and I look forward to working with you and making your visions of you come true in 2023!

Let's Talk!

Be the 'The Master of your Destiny'!

We only get this life now – make it the best one for you 😊


Health and Wellness Coach I Life Coach I Communication Educator I Lead Mentor 
Director – Coached by Sue


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