
Wellness and Life Coaching

Many Packages Available to Support Wellness and Life Change

Learn about yourself and how you operate to support your healing and growth to the new version of you that you are seeking.  We will unpack your current habits as you make choices about what you want your new habits to be. With a focus on health and wellness you'll enable yourself to create the future you deserve. When you learn how to work towards the new you, you'll find the best way to Master your Destiny with forward momentum that is all about you.

Click here for a brochure overview


I will help you create your solutions on your terms that are right for your situation. Together, everything is possible! 

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Compassion Fatigue Coaching

Discovering Compassion Satisfaction for Healthcare Workforce and their  Organisations

Coaching healthcare teams and organisations towards compassion satisfaction uses group coaching and a stylised resource to support individual healthcare staff, teams, and organisations suffering from Compassion Fatigue to work toward Compassion Satisfaction.

These group coaching sessions have been designed to be delivered over five 1 hour sessions to make time for teams to reflect, learn, and understand the current situation. Coaching concepts of experimenting and experience sharing follow as teams work towards solutions for them on their terms. 

Download the flyer - for more information.

Talk to Sue

Clinical Supervision

Supporting Healthcare Workforces Professional Development of Self and Teams

Clinical supervision is an essential component of a clinician's continuing professional development. As an experienced Nurse, Manager, and Coach, I work with healthcare teams to develop their knowledge and competence in any aspect of their work that they have identified as a learning need.

I work with teams to analyse their needs and create learning to support them.  I am then able to facilitate the team to ensure reflective thinking, discussion, and reconciliation towards any historical and evolving issues can be managed

If you want to discuss your Clinical Supervision needs for your team, click the link below.

Email Sue

Mentoring Workshops

Learning How to Mentor and Communicate Well in Health Care

I am the lead mentor for the Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA).  As a lead mentor I educate mentors in healthcare to learn more about themselves so as they can support mentees in health care to learn more about their individual roles as well as palliative care.

These workshops support mentors inspiration and practical assistance to help them move forward and upwards.

For more information go to the PEPA website.

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